Again + Again original artwork by A.E. Macha
***please note prints are NOT available for local pick up***
A high quality Giclee Print on Somerset Velvet paper from our Spring 2019 Snatches of Speech collection.
Throughout the Bible, we God’s people, experience His lavish love and great power, and our hearts are warmed to Him. Too quickly, our hearts cool and we turn our lives away from Him. Again and again, he pursues us. Again and again, He makes a way for us. Again and again, He forgives us and draws us to himself.
At the end of 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the General re-makes an intricate goldfish that he made before the war. Fabricated from gold, he labors over the details, and when he finishes, he then melts it down and starts all over again. This parallelI of process and refining is a beautiful reminder of the repeating patterns of making and knowing as well as His pursuit and refinement. As artists, we resonate with this process because there are deep grooves in our brains which are shaped by what we do, again and again. As psalters, we are reminded, that our worship can mirror His pursuit, a repetitious cycle of the sanctification process, resurrection and death, again and again.