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Lessons from the Field #2

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Sara Klein

Today, we had our first real snowfall on Thistle Hill farm.

Gazing across the frozen fields and seeing the newly sparkling branches was breathtaking. The snow highlighted the starkness and the seeming death of the bare trees, and the ice accented their beauty and glory. As I considered this paradox, it brought to mind a favorite WnA topic, Enchanted Reality.

We all know that the world can be quite an alarming place, no one need to teach us that,

but it can also be a magical one, this can be easy to forget.

There is so much ugliness, evil and darkness in it, that cannot be denied.

Yet, there is also great beauty, goodness and light to be found.

This is one great paradox of our Christian lives, we are created in His image and living in this world created for our enjoyment and His glory, yet it is a life tainted with the curse of sin and death. This tension, both seen and unseen, is a spiritual battle and it is the story of all humankind.

I write this post as a reminder to myself, that I am part of the story and in it, I am Sara, a daughter of the One True King and the truth is, that I live in an enchanted reality. But, my everyday battles are not usually ones that mirror fairy tales. This is not a story of a quest seeking Sara, paused before the darkened mouth of a cave, trembling as she grips a gleaming sword, summoning her courage to charge the dragon within.

Instead, I need this reminder, because often my everyday story and fight is usually an abstract one. A battle within me. Too often, my inner man is overwhelmed by the darkness of the world, it’s dragons and it’s wolves, the great nothing and the void that all threaten to capsize my joy.

It is necessary for me then, to seek out the rescue of the Gospel, to bathe in the truth of His word, and to discover any glimmers of His glory hidden among the moments of everyday life. The true enchantment, is that you and I have access to the rescue, our story has a victorious ending!

I Cor 15:57+58

But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

I may not be standing before a dragon’s cave in flesh and blood, but I am mist certainly doing that in my inner being, I am often a helpless person facing many inner beasts. My fear, my doubt and my sinfulness begin to rot my bones, and crush my spirit. This darkness starts to grow and it’s tendrils slither in and begin to wrap around me.

But then,

The glowing ember of faith begins to glow. The truth of who He is, what He has done and who I am in Him begins to burn and ignite a fire. The fire and His blood, His life that is not mine, helps me to feel alive. Suddenly, a once defenseless underdog and desperately pitiful woman, finds herself with the sword of truth in hand, ready to battle another day.

Being connected to and transformed by, His great love and forgiveness, reminds us of our story. No matter your plot, your conflict or your other characters, each of us has a story that tells of a new creature who rises each day from the ashes with a light that cannot be overcome by darkness.

Lord of Heaven, King of All

Lord of my life and heart,

I give you all.

I give you all of my fear, my doubt, my anger, my hate, my selfishness, my self-loathing.

I also give you all honor and glory for all.

Any courage, any faithfulness, any righteousness, any love, any goodness, any talent or worthiness, I give back and lay them at your feet with thankfulness.

Give me eyes to see your wonder and enchantment in this broken yet beautiful world.

Give me ears to hear your truth wherever it can be heard.

Give me your spirit that I might be quick to repent, comforted when I am disappointed, forgiven when I disappoint you.

Help me to see and to speak your life and light

Make me an instrument of your peace.

Thank you that I am a part of your story and that you wrote a new ending to this sinner's story, a story that is an Enchanted Reality.


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